可以幫助 強心﹑降壓﹑降脂﹑降謄固醇﹑利尿﹑. . .
魚﹕ 帶魚﹐銀魚﹐鯉魚﹐三文魚 ... (含鈣﹑鋅﹑碘﹑鐵﹑錳)
洋蔥﹕ (補鈣﹐降壓)
蝦皮﹕ (高鈣) - 即乾毛蝦
大蒜﹕ (“生長地上的抭生素”)
蔥﹕ (高鈣﹑鉀)
番茄﹕ (涼血平肝﹐清熱解毒)
茄子﹕ (“心血管之友”)
枸杞﹕ (“野蔬珍品”)
芹菜﹕ (杜甫﹕“鮮鯽銀絲膾﹐香芹碧潤羹”。宜吃根﹑莖﹑葉。)
茼蒿 :(降壓﹐補腦。唐孫思邈收載於“千金方”為清心養血之良藥)
此外﹐ 還有﹕
Heart healthy and excellent nourishing food
can help in regulate heart beat, high blood pressure, cholesterol and diuretic
Fish: - Cutlass fish, silver fish, carp, salmon. . . (contain calcium, zinc,
iron, manganese, iodine) * Fish need scaled, washed thoroughly in the belly
Onion: - (contains calcium, lowers blood pressure)
Shrimp: - (high calcium) - the dried skinny shrimps
Garlic: - ("antibiotics grown on the ground")
Onion: - (calcium, potassium)
Tomato: - (benefits blood cells, liver)
Eggplant: - ("Friends of heart, artery and vessels")
Wolfberry: - ("wild plant treasures")
Celery: - (roots ?stems and leaves are edible.)
Garland chrysanthemum: - (nourish the heart, good for the brain and can lower
high blood pressure)
In addition, there are: Spinach, amaranth, chives, cabbage, gourd, bitter gourd,
sponge gourd, pumpkin, cucumber, green peppers, dried bean stick, peas, green
beans, tofu, bean sprouts, soy sprouts, watermelon, banana, apple, persimmon,
orange, pear mushrooms, edible fungus, white fungus, kelp, algae, seaweed, sea
cucumbers, mussels, arrowhead, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, carrots peanuts,
watermelon seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, dates, sesame seeds, honey, milk,